Q&A on appointments

We heard you! Many of you have been wondering about this, so we put together a little Q&A to help clarify.

Q: Are you still taking appointments?


Q: Will you continue with the appointment-only rule going forward?


Q: The restrictions have lifted and people are getting vaccinated, so why are you still running on an appointment-only system?

A: There are no words to describe the challenges, fears, and hardships that resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic. But, as difficult as the times were/are, one good thing that we learned from the appointment-only system is that it showed to be helpful and beneficial for a few key reasons. It came down to efficiency, quality, and better control.
We’re not perfect, so we can’t deliver perfection 100% of the time. After all, we’re all human and we make mistakes, and the schedule for so many different reasons can get messed up. However, it helps us organize how many customers per the number of workers we have for that day. It also helps us gauge the amount of time spent for the reserved services of each patron, which in turn helps us help you with quality and time (given, things happen, but we’ll always try our best).

Q: Does this mean that absolutely no walk-ins are allowed?

A: Not necessarily. IF, and we do emphasize “IF”, there is space and availability, we may be able to provide you with the service you need as a walk-in. With that said, we wouldn’t recommend it, since it’s not guaranteed (especially Thursdays-Saturdays), and it places stress on both you and us. We know your need and want to always try our best to accommodate, and you have things to do and places to be. So, we do encourage you to give us a call at (201) 946-7777, or send us a quick email at jnailjc@gmail.com - with your name, phone number, times/services you need. We’ll respond ASAP, with the exception of our off-day, Sunday.

We hope this helps, and we’ll see you on our next update! ;)


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